TEXT:Hebrews 12:2-4.

Memory Verse:“Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation” (Isaiah 12:3).

In all long distance journeys by air or sea, one thing is a common inbuilt package for passengers by the tourism operators: the entertainment and fun factor. They realize how long journeys can be with their associated travel fatigues, connecting flights, changed routine and the problems of having to sit in cramped and hypoxic environments in the cabins for several hours. The whole idea of fun, foods and wine at intervals that can also help take sleep sometimes, is to create an environment of happiness, laughter and merriment of heart geared towards taking the mind of passengers off the length and stress of the journey such that before they know it, they have arrived at their destination with joy. This ease cannot be said of those who focus only on the mileage, turbulence and moments along the journey.
The pursuit of destiny in life is a journey and not an event. It can be very lengthy and turbulent especially when God blesses you with long life. God recognizes this, that is why the bible admonishes us to “rejoice always” (1Thessalonian 5:16). God wants us to always put on the “garments of praise”, making melody always in spiritual songs and hymns (Colossians 3:16) such that the “spirit of heaviness” that results from life pressures and turbulence can be put off. Joy is a lubricant of the spirit and emotions, diffusing life frictions, it is a trait of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). No one can have true joy if not born of the Spirit of God. In fact the bible attributes all unfruitfulness to dryness of joy in the family, (Joel 1:12).

Food for Thought

Joy strengthens a believer.


O Lord, I covet the spirit of joy in my family always amen!


TEXT:* Luke 22:56-62.

*Memory Verse:* “For the righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked man shall fall by calamity” (Proverb 24:16).

Failure is not final. Everybody loves a winner and failure, they say, is an orphan. Everyone experiences failure in life at one time or the other, but let failure not be final. The truth is that everyone you call a success today is actually a combination of success and failure in the real sense. For instance, a medical student who scores 85% overall in his/her final examination is a first class student, but remember he/she failed 15% . God help you if you are to be diagnosed by such a doctor and your sickness falls within the 15% he/she failed. Only God is perfect. That you failed does not mean you are a failure, but let failure teach you and not define you.
Secondly, you can fail well by “failing forward” – learning from what you have done wrong, repenting, and laying hold of God’s forgiveness. You can decide not to drown in guilt but swim back to shore, helped by the incoming tide of God’s grace. Peter, from our text wept, but was strengthened after his failure and set to work again by Christ.
Thirdly, our failures do not cause God to fail. Heaven is never shaken by the stumbles of God’s servants. Many of the heroes of faith were reclaimed failures: Abraham a liar, Jacob the swindler, Moses the murderer and David the adulterer. God loves to restore the “broken and brittle” and parade them before the world as trophies of His grace. The British leader, Winston Churchill once noted, “success is never final and failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts”

*Food for Thought*

Failure is never final, unless you give up.


Lord, I receive courage to persevere and not give up in life and destiny pursuit.


TEXT: Isaiah 42:5-8.

Memory Verse: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I sanctified you, I ordained you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5).

The most basic questions everyone faces in life are: Why am I here? What is my purpose? Many authors suggest that people should look inwards at their own desires, dreams, what cheers them easily and areas in life of comparative advantage to others. This question is begging for immediate and correct answers and if not properly or correctly answered, might lead to frustration, despondency and tragedy of destinies. Some say, your profession and gifting define your purpose on earth. Well it may be true, especially if such a gifting or career gives you fulfillment and God is glorified in it. But what happens if such jobs or careers are lost or retired from, is purpose lost or retired? You see then that work alone will not define purpose.
People often referred to Jesus as the son of a carpenter (Joseph), linking his destiny to the profession of his earthly father; but his heart was more for the house of God because where the treasure is, there will the heart be also (Luke 12:34). At age twelve when his parents found Him in the temple after many days’ search, He said to them “Why did you seek me? Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?” Luke 2:49. It is therefore not about gift, career or secular work. It is about God’s purpose for your life and the best place to find the answer to the big question “why am I here” must be the bible where God’s eternal purpose for each life is written. Real meaning and significance comes from understanding and fulfilling God’s purpose for putting us on earth.

Food for Thought

Life has no meaning without a purpose for it.


I will not miss my purpose in life and destiny in Jesus name.