*TEXT:* Exodus 2:1-10.

*Memory Verse:* “Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee” (2 Timothy 1:6).

A major negative side effect of hope deferred is the loss of confidence especially if you made the decisions that created the situation in the first place. You tend to fail to believe even in your ability. Moses, a great leader of Israel from Egyptian slavery is a good example. Moses, a Hebrew boy, lived a fairy tale kind of life, pulled out from a basket on the bank of the River Nile, adopted by a daughter of Pharaoh and raised as an Egyptian prince. The bubble did burst when he killed an Egyptian in defence of an Israelite and had to flee to Median. He adjusted fairly for forty years. But all that was changed when Moses heard a voice talking to him from a flame of fire in a bush whereas the bush was not consumed, requesting him to go back to Egypt to deliver God’s people from bondage. (Exodus 3:6-10).
Moses said to God, “Who am I, which I should go to pharaoh, and bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt (Exodus 3:11). “…Please, Lord, now send the message by whomever you will” “for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue”. Moses’ confidence had been crushed by the events of the forty years. He had dropped the dream of leading the nation, long time ago. But God persisted with a few more miracles and very convincing dialogue. Moses believed God and went back to Egypt and was used mightily by God to deliver a nation from 400 years of slavery to become the most powerful nation on earth, then.

*Food for Thought*
God has a destiny for you and is saying “I need your gift to come alive again”

So help me, Lord.